Saturday, October 22, 2011

After Three Martinis and A Bottle of Wine

"What can I get you?" asks the new bartender.
I forget what I want just for a couple of minutes because he has this amazing smile, the one you can only see on the walls of some dentist's waiting room. "I.."
"Another Martini?"
By now I had two of them, and probably a whole bottle of red wine. But who's counting? "Yes."
With that he starts juggling the bottles and in seconds my drink is ready. "There you go" he says with that same smile, and goes on to make other drinks for others.
I hear a cough, which sounds nothing like a real cough, and turn my head to Marty, my, well what's the sense in lying, blind-date. He looks uncomfortable. I realize I had compeletely forgatten his existence for the last five minutes, almost slobberingly watching the tall, tan, atlethic bartender.
"Sorry, didn't catch that last part" I say, in a slightly apologetic way. It's not his fault, I know, it's all Kate's fault; and so this sad man tries to talk to me and thinks I might actually be attracted to him. He thinks there could be a second date.
No way.
"I asked if you would like to go to this show on saturday, my boss gave me two tickets, and well, I haven't asked anybody else.. I mean if you're not busy or anything. So you know, if you want to..."
Like I said, NO way.
"Oh, thanks Marty. But I have this thing on Saturday.. this doctor appointment, about.. About my eyes."
"Okay, well, you know, just thought I'd ask. Hope your eye thing gets well."

At that moment, finally, Kate comes in and takes the seat next to me. But since I have no intention of staying a minute longer and bear the silence of awkwardness, I give a look at Kate and she finally understands it has been a drag for me.
"I see you guys have been having fun," she says to Marty with a fake grin, once again making me admire her acting skills, "but I guess it's better we get going. I can't believe it's eleven already, how time flies when you're having fun!"
Tell me about it.
And so we say goodbye and start walking to Kate's car. Because I like to think I'm a nice person, I decide I'll wait until we're actually in the car to start complaining about Marty. With the alcohol amount in my system, there might be some cursing involved, and nice people don't curse, at least not in public.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I shout right after Kate shuts her door.
"I tought it would be nice to have some company of opposite gender, to get your mind off of that jerk."
"Really, Kate? Marty? Kermit The Frog would have been a better distraction."
"Don't be too hard on him, he's a nice guy. Has a good job, good salary. Fairly good-looking--"
"Okay, maybe not so good-loking."
"He was more boring than that damn documentary we saw last week about elevators."
She bursts into laughter "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I know you were doing this for me. But no more blind-dates, please."
"Sure thing, honey. Wait, WHO is that? My, my..."
Kate's looking at the direction of the bar with dazzled eyes. I look where she's looking, to see the bartender running towards us. I wonder if Marty was actually succesful in killing me with boredome and if this was heaven.
I roll down the window, and he leans in "Ladies, you're not supposed to be driving are you?"
We start grinning like two little girls, who got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
"Come in with me, and we'll call you a cab. You'll get your car tomorrow."
Kate and I stare at each other for a second, and we're both thinking the same thing:
Damn, he's hot.

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