Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day After

I wake up to the ringing of my cell phone, and realise it's two in the afternoon. Thinking about it, I was grateful to him for dumping me on a Friday, because I could have a whole night to myself for crying my eyes out, and an afternoon to sleep away the pain in my heart. Not a quarter of the pain is gone, but at least I don't have to explain anyone my crappy looks and even crappier mood.
Once seeing the caller, who woke me up recklessly -in the afternoon-, I know I've been wrong. It's Kate, a true psychic, who can read minds and faces, and tell a jerk from a two yards distance, and who happens to be my best friend. I can't decide wether to be happy or nervous to see her calling, because I can tell, knowing her for 17 years now, that our conversation will include both of the sentences "I'm so sorry sweetheart" and "I told you so."
Nevertheless, I pick up my phone and answer: "Hello."
My voice gives me right away and so the familiar sound of the combination of my bestfriends interest and mockery is on the other side: "What happened?!"
Like she doesn't know damn well what has happened.
"It's that jerk again, isn't it? What did he do? I swear I'm going to kick him in the ass, very soon." she says, and goes on about her plans to beat him up. I appreciate my friends enthusiasm about destroying him, but I can't bare the word of him anymore, so I cut her words and say bluntly "He broke up with me."
There is a long silence on the phone, except my sniffings, and we both don't know what to say, only for a little while. Kate does what she does best and says "I really didn't want to say this, but, I told you he was a jerk."
"I know" I say, but only to myself, still trying to solve the puzzles in my mind. Being a girl who believes in dreams but not naive enough to believe in fairytales, I had a lot of belief in our relationship. He and I weren't the dream couple, nor the best match. You could tell that our relationship was nothing near fairytale-like, and that's why I knew it was real. I knew we weren't perfect, and honestly, I always thought what made our relationship strong, was our will to stay together despite our imperfection.
Then comes my consolation, when Kate says "I'm so sorry sweetheart" and offers to visit me today after her shift at the old Concert Hall is over. I say "No need" lovingly, and tell her I need a little time on my own. She agrees, with the one condition of taking me out on Monday evening. "For drinks" she says, "to get your mind off of things". I find it hard to believe that a couple of Sex on the Beaches will help me get our imperfect-yet-perfect relationship out of my head, but I agree on it anyway.

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